I am pleased to announce that the Factory Outlet group on LinkedIn has exceeded 1000 members this week.
Where are our members from?
11% - Greater NY City Area
4% - Greater Boston Area
3% - Milan Area/Italy
2% - Miami/Ft. Lauderdale
2% - Baltimore
2% - Los Angeles
What industry do our members work in?
38% - Retail
16% - Real Estate
10% - Apparel/Fashion
5% - Commercial Real Estate
4% - Marketing
What Seniority do we list ourselves as?
25% - Manager
19% - Senior
14% - Director
12% - VP
9% - Owner
Where are our members from?
11% - Greater NY City Area
4% - Greater Boston Area
3% - Milan Area/Italy
2% - Miami/Ft. Lauderdale
2% - Baltimore
2% - Los Angeles
What industry do our members work in?
38% - Retail
16% - Real Estate
10% - Apparel/Fashion
5% - Commercial Real Estate
4% - Marketing
What Seniority do we list ourselves as?
25% - Manager
19% - Senior
14% - Director
12% - VP
9% - Owner
If your not already a member, I encourage you to join our group on LinkedIn. Group members can contribute what you are doing, where you are at, or what you need help with. You can create discussions, post jobs, add news stories and anything else that you think will be of interest and benefit the members of the group
Our group will only be more successful as it grows. I ask you to invite your Factory Outlet connections to join our community.
Additionally, if you would like to connect, please send me an invitation on LinkedIn. I am always interested in connecting with other professionals in the industry.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Mark Libell
Vice President
Kids Supercenter
I look forward to hearing from you.

Mark Libell
Vice President
Kids Supercenter
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